“Texas Considers Backtracking on Testing” “Student perspective: I'm more than a test score” “Atlanta test cheating: Tip of the iceberg?” “Teachers union criticizes upcoming state exams” “Breaking News: Adults' Test Scores Released in Providence!” “The day some Seattle teachers said 'no' to standardized tests” “Has testing reached a tipping point?” “Moco schools chief calls for three-year moratorium on standardized testing” "Who am I and why should you care about this silly documentary?" "How To Save Taxpayers Billions of $—Really" "Testing in Kindergarten: Whatever Happened to Story Time?" "Traumatic lives of students affect teacher's evaluation" "Dear Teacher, Johnny Is Skipping the Test" "Six Reasons why 'Value-Added' and Merit Pay Aren't Fair—In Three Minutes" "New Teacher Evaluations Are a Long-Term Investment, Not Test Score Arbitrage" "The Best Articles Describing Alternatives to High-Stakes Testing" "Testing What Has Been Taught: Helpful, High-Quality Assessments Start with a Strong Curriculum" "Unintended Consequences: High Stakes Can Result in Low Standards" |
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